The seminar on "The Latest International effects on the Belt and Road Development and the integration of Hong Kong into the Greater Bay Area " was held successfully.
On Wednesday 8th June 2022, Bank Of Communication Hong Kong and the One Belt One Road Research Institute of Chu Hai College of Higher Education jointly organized a seminar on "The Latest International effects on the Belt and Road Development and the integration of Hong Kong into the Greater Bay Area " to a group of 30 commercial bankers of the bank.
Professor Thomas Chan , Director of One Belt One Road Research Institute and Joseph Chan , Chairman of Silk Road Economic Development Research Center spoke on the two topics and share with the audience their respective views and work experiences in both regions. Mr. Lam Kwong Siu GBS Chairman of Board of Director of Chu Hai College of Higher Education and Mr David Yip , Deputy CEO of Bank of Communications made opening remarks.
We plan to organize more similar seminars with various other commercial enterprises , financial institutions as well as government organisations to promote Hong Kong 's participations in both the Belt and Road Development and the Greater Bay Area integration.